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일본어 수행평가
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영어 수행평가
말하기(9.9~9.13)1번 문장 본인 이름으로 바꾸어 말하기4분 이내의 문장을 고치는 거는 허용단어 틀리게 발음하면 틀림1) Hey, I am (본인 이름) from Korea.2) Have you ever heard about Red Nose Day?3) It is a fundraising event which is held on a Friday in March every other year.4) On this day, people can join the event just by buying and wearing red clown noses all day.5) People with red noses are everywhere, at home, at school, on the street, and on..
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유니티2D 컴포넌트
2D AnimationAudioAudio Chorus Filter더보기Dry MixWet Mix 1Wet Mix 2Wet Mix 3DelayRateDepth Audio Distortion Filter더보기Distortion Level Audio Echo Filter더보기DelayDecay RatioDry MixWet Mix Audio High Pass Filter Audio Listener Audio Low Pass Filter Audio Reverb Filter Audio Reverb Zone Audio Source EffectsHaloLens FlareLine RendererParticle SystemProjectorTrail RendererVisual EffectEventEvent SystemEve..
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LaTeX 문법
수식문법출력a^{b}$a^{b}$a_{b}$a_{b}$\frac{a}{b}$\frac{a}{b}$\sqrt[a]{b}$\sqrt[a]{b}$\sin{a}$\sin{a}$\cos{b}$\cos{b}$\tan{c}$\tan{c}$\log_{a}{b}$\log_{a}{b}$\sum\limits_{k=1}^n a_k$\sum\limits_{k=1}^n a_k$\dots$\dots$\cdots$\cdots$  부등호문법출력\neq$\neq$\geq$\geq$\leq$\leq$  집합문법출력\cup$\cup$\cap$\cap$\in$\in$\ni$\ni$\subset$\subset$\subseteq$\subseteq$\supset$\supset$\supseteq$\supseteq$  폰트문법출력\mathcal{BA..